My name is Phil Barker, founder and owner of Honey Tree Goods, LLC and DeliciOats. DeliciOats is a brand of breakfast food created specially for backpackers and other outdoor adventurers. It is also perfect for anyone who needs a high-quality, delicious, on-the-go breakfast with no morning prep.
I created DeliciOats to fill a gap in the backpacking foods market. I was unsatisfied with the backpacking breakfast options available to me for purchase, and I wasn’t a fan of the homemade granola I cooked; it wasn’t very healthy, didn’t taste good, and it took a lot of prep time prior to my trips (not to mention time to soften in the morning after I added water to it).
I finally had an epiphany that my favorite go-to breakfast at home – overnight oats – would make a perfect backpacking meal. That is, if I could create a backpacking-friendly recipe…